Interaktiivinen tekniikka koulutuksessa (ITK, Interactive Technology in Education, ITE) -conference is the largest conference in Finland related to information and communication technology in educational use, and this year takes place 10-12.4. in Hämeenlinna. LEAD participants are actively present in the conference, presenting their works:
- How to design learning in the 21st century (Jukka Purma, Kiarii Ngua, Eva Durall & Teemu Leinonen)
- Square1 hypothesis: Building computational and collaborative learning tools in school (Anna Keune & Teemu Leinonen)
- Digital dashboard for visualizing learning progress and well-being (Eva Durall)
- Presemo – a live participation tool (Kai Kuikkaniemi, Matti Nelimarkka, Jukka Reitmaa & Petri Lievonen)
- Opettajayhteistyö ja opettajatiimit tieto- ja viestintäteknologian opetuskäytön tukena (Teemu Mikkonen & Antti Syvänen)
- Verkko-opiskelu ja sen tutkiminen: tapaus (Emilia Hjelm, Arto Vihavainen & Matti Nelimarkka)
- Agile in educational domain: fast develoment cycles and evaluation of a software product (Matti Nelimarkka, Kai Kuikkaniemi)
Main conference
- Social learning solution and the responsive user interface. (Gemilo, there’s also a possibility to meet in person, reverse your time from here)
- Square1 – A collection of single-task dedicated learning devices (Teemu Leinonen & Anna Keune)
- Tulevaisuus pelissä (including Teemu Leinonen & Jarmo Viteli)