
LEAD research is divided into work packages, each tackling a different research question.


WP1: How to design learning for the 21st century

Knowledge society poses challenges for educational institutions. Institutions have to learn to react to rapidly changing goals and individual learners have a wide array of possible tools for personal and collaborative learning at their use.
There is a tension between the fact that it takes time to learn and the instant access to knowledge that the technology provides. Managing the time it takes to learn is an essential skill when designing learning in institutions and for personal learning. We review existing research on topic and try to set a framework for understanding temporal issues when designing learning.
Responsible partner: LeGroup

WP2: New ways to meet and collaborate

Collaborative knowledge work is a crucial part of contemporary life, but it is still framed and understood through activities borne out in very different organizations and institutions. Within this topic we try to research new kinds of meetings and social activities that better support learning and collaborative work in an environment rich with information technology.
Responsible partner: TRIM

WP3: Enablers: scenarios, ecosystems, design and development

Enablers are needed to make the learning ecosystem ready for the product and service innovations. Part of the enablers are technological, part institutional, and part on the infrastructure level. We utilize top-of-the-level research technologies from other projects in the Lead project and try to understand how the existing technologies should be packaged and robustified in order to enable the innovation to take place.
Responsible partner: HIIT


WP4: New content and devices

WP5: New learning, new learners

WP6: Learning@work: meetings, seminars, conferences & informal learning