Having a working lunch at Hämeenlinna

2013-02-12-384People from Aalto Arts, HIIT and TRIM headed to Hämeenlinna to discuss the state of the research, while the more senior researchers together with the company representatives had a board meeting. Here’s a brief note on what we’ve been doing through the winter.

Aalto ARTS has been designing prototypes that support new approaches to learning. Square1 and Digital Dashboard were covered in this blog too. The Square1 idea will be presented and co-developed with teachers in the ITK conference.

HIIT is developing their participation platform and has setup pilots in Hämeenlinna and at Aalto University and University of Helsinki. These pilots will allow examination of the system performance and impact, but also topics such as experience. The goal is to experiment the system design in Hämeenlinna cases.

TRIM has been focusing on literature review and examining new areas that could be attached to Opeka-tool. They are also focusing on understanding the change of practices caused by ICT and conducted interviews among teachers too.

However, what we observed was that currently we’re not doing that great in the collaboration. This needs to be fostered, as the real value comes from us – three different disciplines – working together. One of the topics that could be tight us together is the practice sharing in school communities. We discussed this from the different perspectives and found some common ground. We shall discuss these more and hopefully found nice possibilities to do kick ass science later on – and while at it, impact the society.

However, it wasn’t just talking. We setup a Mendeley group for us and agreed that we shall share articles using it. Also, we agreed that manuscripts and other work-in-progress kind of stuff will be shared and announced more widely inside the project group. And, we decided that it’s time to go out in the public more heavily. The ITK conference has researcher days with focus on the Finnish research community, so work from the LEAD will be published there, and later publication venues will be examined. And all research groups agreed to blog on a more regular basis, I for example agreed to write a blog post on agile development before the end of February. Still several days to go…

After the successful two hours, we headed to a lunch and continue the discussions there. However, it’s worth mentioning that no tax-payer money was used on the lunch 😉

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